Welcome to Calvary Lutheran Church – LCMS

Pastor Michael Kessler
711 S. 7th Ave.
Yuma, Arizona 85364
Join Us For Worship
· Worship @ 9:00am (Worship services from Lutheran Service Book)
· Worship service live-streamed on Youtube @ Calvary Lutheran Church 1639. Link also can be found on the bottom of this page.
· Adult Education @ 10:30am
· Sunday School @ 10:30am
Click here to view our full event calendar
What Do We Believe?
We are a worshiping community of orthodox Lutheran Christians that gather together to receive the hope and certainty for life eternal each week.
The world today is more than a little confused and unsettled. War continues with our young men and women in harms way as we sit home waiting to hear. Our economy isn’t the greatest and many are out of jobs. Our values have dramatically changed in the past fifty years and people are looking for a firm foundation in what appears to be a life of quicksand.
At Calvary Lutheran Church you hear the Word of God which proclaims victory in Christ who allows us to see our life in His perspective, not our own.
As a congregation we gather together to pray, to praise, to sing and worship Him. We gather to share each others joys and sorrows. We gather together for the main reason of taking the message of Christ’s death and resurrection for all mankind to those who don’t know it and thus don’t benefit by what God offers us through Christ alone.
Within the Scriptures, which are central in our worship and study, is the one message that tells us, John 20:31 but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name. Jesus came to step into our shoes and take the punishment that we all deserve for our sin (an unpopular thought today). Then He rose from the grave in victory over sin, death and the devil. It is offered to us by faith. If you would like a hope that shatters the worries of the world, then stop in and visit with us, in Bible study or worship.
Here you will find the water of life in the midst of the desert. Join us in worship and growth as God prepares His people to face life and struggles in a difficult world. If you seek hope it will be found in Jesus alone who is God’s answer for life in this world and the next.